
Jesus transforming our life--transforming our worlds.

How we do it—Strategy

Our desire is to mirror Jesus’ ministry strategy: ‘People are the method.’

We are called to reproduce, not recruit. We want to be strategic and intentional about…


(Listeners) Establishing a public presence where we live/work/play where curious people can learn what the Christian way is about and where people can be healed of that which is broken.

Our weekly service, Around the Table (Share-a-Meal), and other events are designed with 'Listeners' in mind. Additionally, much of our serving in the community is to be the 'hands and feet of Jesus' as we live out the reality of a new relationship in Christ.

(Learners/Apprentices) Calling people into learning at a deeper level what it means to follow Jesus (SCMP—Share, Connect, Minister, Parent) by growing in how we perceive and interact with God, our self, in the home and with God’s family, and in the world around us. You will be joining a Grow-n-Go Group of 3-5 people. These groups are designed such that those who are still exploring the claims of Christ can participate with those who are at a different place in their personal spiritual journey.

  • A Grow-n-Go Group will meet at least 2x/month.
  • It will generally follow a format of (a) Looking Back since the last meeting (e.g., How was life—did you experience any victories? Did you see God at work? How did you do on commitments made—especially on the lessons in the Primary Mission Module?); (b) Looking Up at what God is showing you (e.g., Did God give you any insights in your Bible readings? What have you learned since the last time? What questions do you have? What is God speaking to you at this moment?); (c) Looking Ahead at what you will do in response to God’s leading (e.g., What challenge or commitment needs to be made? What questions do you need to seek answers to? Whom are you praying for to invite into a discipling relationship?).

Our weekly service will usually include a challenge put forth with 'Learners' in mind. Additionally, participating in 5 Minutes with God readings (see weekly bulletin for weekly readings or click here for a download of the annual schedule) will allow one to read through the New Testament yearly with others on the same schedule.

The core curriculum for our 'Learners' is built around our Primary Mission Learning ModuleLiving in the Way of Jesus: Real Life Discipleship Training Manual (SCMP). You will be participating in a Grow-n-Go Group of 3-5 people. This module is a course which you complete at your own speed. It is a combination of workbook, online video, and meetings (both individual mentor as well as Grow-n-Go Group).

(Go and ‘Doers’) Sending outward where we live/work/play to break new ground for the gospel.

After an individual completes the Primary Mission Learning Module, they will still stay part of a Grow-n-Go Group. Since the path and development of every person's growth in Christ is unique, they will always maintain some relationship with a mentor as they seek to immerse themselves in God and learn how to be a 'Go and Doer'. Participating in a Grow-n-Go Group, taking additional learning modules in four spheres of our life, serving our community, etc. are all ways that become a natural part of 'being Jesus in the world.'


How we can assist you to grow in Christ at RHF:

  1. Watch the 'Getting to Know Usvideo-- 'Getting to Know Us'.
  2. If you’re a newer believer, you will find it helpful to complete the short three-session New Believer Study before proceeding further. You will complete these lessons along with a mentor/guide. Let the pastor or other leader know of your commitment to do this study.
  3. Commit to becoming a ‘Learner’ rather than just a ‘Listener.’  This will mean (a) committing to the 5 Minutes with God readings, and (b) joining a Grow-n-Go Group.
  4. Committing to beginning RHF’s Primary Mission Learning Module: Living in the Way of Jesus: Real Life Discipleship Training Manual (SCMP).This module is a course which you complete at your own speed. It is a combination of workbook, online video, and meetings (both individual mentor as well as Grow-n-Go Group).   Let the pastor or other leader know of your commitment to ‘Learn.’
  5. After completion of the Primary Mission Learning Module, you are ready to develop a much more personalized growth plan with your mentor. You will continue to participate in a Grow-n-Go Group as 'Go-and-Doer.'  See below for some of the areas you can pursue further growth in (Note: Many of these areas need to be developed. If you have an interest in a particular area--contact Pastor John.).